How I did it: I found out I was pregnant early September. It was still early, so I called my mom to wish her a happy grandparent's day. I told my her I didn't want to say anything to anyone just yet but then she said that she had to tell my dad and brother which expanded to a few family friends. Then my dad went on a business trip and the rest of my family found out.
For names we chose Tristan James Alexander for a boy and Kaelyn Nicole for a girl. Because of too much or too little movement, we never really knew the gender until he was born.
One of Chris' fave things to do while I was preggers, was to poke my belly daily and say "bake."
Back in October we thought I was having a miscarriage. When we had the ultrasound we found out I was supposed to have twins but the other never took on. Our first time seeing him he did a flip and threw several good kicks. He was too small to feel.
The first few months I was really tired. I didn't get morning sickness but I did have problems with my back sometimes so painful I couldn't walk. It was worth it though.
Tristan was head down weeks before but at the last moment, he rotated. Chris had pulled an extra long shift and was just heading to sleep when we had to leave for the hospital around 8 am; some show had leaked. I was supposed to go in the next day to book the c-section but instead ended up having the surgery that day. One of the nurses joked: "it must be a boy... he already has a bad sense of direction!"
An operating room became available a couple hours earlier than expected so Chris had to rush back to the hospital from grabbing something to eat. I got prepped (I had to stay awake during the ordeal). He made it just in time for Tristan's birth at 2:13 pm. He was the only one allowed in and they screened the surgery so we couldn't see it as it happened. I only spent 3 days in the hospital and recovery was fast.
It's amazing how fast Tristan is growing and how strong he is getting each day. No regrets --- I love him dearly.
Lessons & tips:
- Cesareans aren't as scary or bad as you think; I had to have one because Tristan was in breech. It was fast, painless and the recovery went smooth. Incisions are now cut low enough to be hidden by underwear.
- Wraps take up less space than a stroller, are amazingly comfortable and less expensive. They also fit where strollers will not. Warning: it can get really warm. You might want to carry a spray bottle of water in your diaper bag to cool both you and your little one off.
- People you think will be the most help might let you down but others you'd never think of tend to appear out of thin air. Some you expect to be helpful are but to a greater degree than you imagined possible.
- Sometimes less expectations make the experience soooo much better.
- Plans are made to be broken.
What to Expect.com: the book was awesome; this is the companion site. The book is one of the cheaper ones on the market and covers more than most.
BabyFit.com: the group that pertains the the month you're due is probably the most useful thing available. Many other mom's from other places around the world post questions, comments and issues that you might go through. The support is amazing.
There are more community resources available to you than you think. If you're in BC, a public health nurse can answer (or get answers) for any question or concern you have and provide you with ongoing support and a list of local parent groups and activities.
It took me 9 months.
It made me see life differently