Posted on one of the pregnancy forums I frequent:
1. You cry cause....well, you don't know Dammit!
2. You turn to your husband and say Baby wants you to get her a Crunchy Cheesy Gordita from Taco Bell.
3. The definition for "bi-polar" disorder is suddenly describing you.
4. Your gas goes from 'mildly offensive' to 'toxic fumes of sulphuric death' in large enough quantities to peel wallpaper.
5. Your emotions switch from happy to snappy in .03 seconds.
6. Your seductive walk becomes a waddle.
7. Everyone makes you choose the restaurant because they have heard "" to their suggestions a few too many times.
8. You cough you pee - you sneeze you pee - you laugh you pee - you blink you pee.
9. People in the stores are trying to 'squeeze' past you. Um, we can't suck in and's a baby...I'm pregnant!
10. You see your husband naked and cry out of jealousy at how thin he is
11. You are protective of the food you are eating, like a dog that was starving all day guarding his bowl... "Can I have a bite Mommy?" "Um, you have your own food don't you?" "Can I have some Mommy?" "Hello Mommy needs to eat too!!" "WHO ATE the Last YOGURT?!?!?"
12. Having sex is as appealing as sticking your butt in a deep fat fryer.
13. Water gives you heartburn.
14. You run out of breath climbing 4 stairs.
15. You can suddenly smell EVERY scent in your house - AND some of your neighbors.
16. Your response to the typical daily question of "How are you feeling today, honey?" is, "DONE!"
17. When you buy a new treadmill to stay in shape and spend your evenings sitting next to it, watching TV and eating cake!
18. It takes three distinct movements to turn over in bed from one side to the other.
19. When your little brother says you "tend toward the fat" when you are 8 months pregnant and you obsess about it for weeks.
20. When most physical activity and small motions you attempt are preceded by a mumbled, "You've gotta be kidding me!"
21. When it takes you over a half and hour to get dressed because you try on everything you own but it all makes you look and feel fat. Then you put on the same outfit you wore yesterday...and the day before...and the day before that.
22. Your new best friend is the toilet in more than one way!!
23. Your stomach turns at the thought of eating, and you burst into tears at the thought of missing a meal
24. When you start crying because "nobody gives a damn about you" because they haven't called you in 2 days to see how you're doing.
25. You feel a sense of entitlement on the highway... "That's right, BETTER let me over into your lane. Don't you know I'm PREGNANT?"
26. Your husband is angry that the thermostat says 55 degrees and you are so comfortable.
27. Brushing your teeth makes you puke.
28. When you stash snacks under your pillow, so when you wake up famished in the middle of the night, you don't even have to get out of bed.
29. You love your husband one second and want to punch him in the face the next.
30. When you drop a spoon in the kitchen, stare at it for a bit, and then walk away knowing that it would have taken too much effort and energy to bend over and pick it up.
31. You pick your seat based on the proximity to the bathroom.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Baby Update
I'm at 32 weeks pregnant this Tuesday... still feels like there is sooo much to do. I've been getting things together slowly for the wee one. Still need cloth diapers and a baby basket. This little bugger is an active one. The first time DH and I saw the LO, s/he did a 360* turn and then threw a few good kicks. The running joke is that we've got the next star soccer player or kung fu master in my belly. Since I've actually been able to feel the kicking this little bugger has been kicking constantly and moving. The other day DH saw the LO rotate in my belly and pretty much reacted as if he had seen a scene in an alien movie.
The baby kimono that I've been working on is finally finished!!! Geeze... with slightly different yarn weights, it has been really hard getting the alternate pieces to measure the same but it's well worth it :D Here are the pics:
The baby kimono that I've been working on is finally finished!!! Geeze... with slightly different yarn weights, it has been really hard getting the alternate pieces to measure the same but it's well worth it :D Here are the pics:
Kimono Frogging and Knit-a-Square
So I found this kimono pattern in a Lion Brand box kit and I'm so frustrated! There is a good chance that I'll be having a boy so purple and red just will not do so I thought that I'd use a pair of colors from my stash. Well, the two yarns I'm using although I love the colors... are slightly off in weight compared to each other which is making my project very hard to piece together. This is THE last panel for this wrap and it's taking FOREVER to get it right (perfectionist?) but must get back to it because when it's done -- it's going to feel awesome! I'll post pics when I'm done.

On a side note, the Knit-a-Square group I started on Ravelry is taking off (89 members in less than 24 hours) and I just finished my first crochet square . I'm so interested in seeing the different variations of squares people will make for the children in South Africa. 40 of them will make a blanket and the cool thing is that your squares will be paired with squares sent from all over. I want to try tapestry crochet, working with colors in general and learn a few new stitches (such as afghan stitch -- it's good for using as cross stitch fabric). Right now I seem to be leaning more towards crochet but this will be a perfect opportunity to learn some more knitting techniques as well.

On a side note, the Knit-a-Square group I started on Ravelry is taking off (89 members in less than 24 hours) and I just finished my first crochet square . I'm so interested in seeing the different variations of squares people will make for the children in South Africa. 40 of them will make a blanket and the cool thing is that your squares will be paired with squares sent from all over. I want to try tapestry crochet, working with colors in general and learn a few new stitches (such as afghan stitch -- it's good for using as cross stitch fabric). Right now I seem to be leaning more towards crochet but this will be a perfect opportunity to learn some more knitting techniques as well.
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